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Etiqueta: Artwork

The Cards Tell the Tale (III): Borrowed advisor trio?

In the HONOR’S VEIL set, we get a trio of personalities, plus a follower card, by Carl Frank. Frank is one of the original artists for L5R. starting from the very first set and kept on contributing art for quite a long time.     Utaku Keiko (left), Kaiu Genji (center), and Mirumoto Satobe (right) Borrowed Advisors At a guess, I’d say this art piece wasn’t originally designed for the card game, but as the cover for a rulebook or box for the Clan War miniatures game. I’m really not sure if this was actually used for a published product (in which case, I don’t know...

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The Cards Tell the Tale (II): The Training Grounds, by Ben Peck

  The original TRAINING GROUNDS set was released along the Diamond Edition base set, and was the LTP product for the Reign of Blood era, and depicted a battle between the Lion Clan and the Shadowlands forces. The  product packaging (a sturdy two row box designed to hold around 800 cards) had a wraparound battle scene which was also used to illustrate several cards in the set. Sadly it seems the full widescreen picture is nowhere to be found, except for the featured central part, with the two enemy leaders facing off, so well need to use our imagination to picture the full scene, as depicted...

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The Cards Tell the Tale (I): Training Grounds II, by Miguel Coimbra

Repeating the trick used for their previous LTP product, the art department decided to use this wraparound image for the product packaging of Training Grounds II. LTP (that Learn to Play) products usually appeared once for each legality arc, near the release of the basic set for a given story arc (in this case, Lotus Edition, or The Age of Enlightenment). Again they usually featured a more discrete conflict, limited to two factions. In this case, they were the Crane and Dragon Clans, and the conflict was called the War of Silk and steel. This widescreen artwork, by newcomer to L5R Miguel Coimbra,...

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