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Oracular Spectacular! Part 1

The Elemental Oracles have been a thing in L5R since the very beginning, starting with Imperial Edition (also reprinted on Emerald and Obsidian Editions).   artwork (c) and by Randy Elliott (earth), Ken Meyer Jr. (fire), April Lee (water), and Quinton Hoover (wind) Noticeably, The Oracle of Air was named «of Wind», instead; probably an editing mistake which was later kept to minimize confusion on the playing table. Also, the Void version was noticeably missing at this time. The role of the Oracles was then unknown to us, players of L5R… and probably to the writers, too: something...

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The Cards Tell the Tale (II): The Training Grounds, by Ben Peck

  The original TRAINING GROUNDS set was released along the Diamond Edition base set, and was the LTP product for the Reign of Blood era, and depicted a battle between the Lion Clan and the Shadowlands forces. The  product packaging (a sturdy two row box designed to hold around 800 cards) had a wraparound battle scene which was also used to illustrate several cards in the set. Sadly it seems the full widescreen picture is nowhere to be found, except for the featured central part, with the two enemy leaders facing off, so well need to use our imagination to picture the full scene, as depicted...

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