Homunculus Helper (handy bookmark for VTES searches)
While this is page is not a deck-builder site (of which there are some excellent ones, like VDB), when we put the files together, we took care to add some relevant information into each product (in this case, card) to make searches easy.
How do searches work:
For starters, you can easily look for a particular card entering its title in the search engine (upper right side, next to the magnifier icon) and pressing enter. For this to work, the search string must have at least three characters. For instance, a search for «.44» yields this. To avoid false positives you can further limit your search by searching «vtes .44», which would filter out 99,99% of stuff not related to VTES. For better results, after the search you can then use the filter options at the left sidebar and select and click for just IN STOCK items.
This search engine is quite versatile, and you can look for very specific things like Tremere vampires of Group 6, by writing «Tremere (G6)». Add an IN STOCK filter, and you got this. Search terms you can use are set names (like «Fifth Edition»). For crypt cards, you can also search for Clan and/or Sect. As for library cards, you can enter Master, Event, Action, Political, Ally, Equipment, Retainer, Modifier, React (instead of Reaction!), and Combat. You can mix and match as needed. Also, the playing requirements (disciplines and the like) which appear on the left side of the card are added in the description, so you can use that, too.
Some handy pre-made searches for you, filtered for just in-stock items:
NOTE: For Discipline based searchs, click HERE!
ABOMINATION alphabetical or set order
AHRIMANE alphabetical or set order
AKUNANSE alphabetical or set order
BAALI alphabetical or set order
BANU HAQIM/ASSAMITE alphabetical or set order
BLOOD BROTHER alphabetical or set order
BRUJAH alphabetical or set order
BRUJAH ANTITRIBU alphabetical or set order
CAITIFF alphabetical or set order
DAUGHTER OF CACOPHONY alphabetical or set order
GANGREL alphabetical or set order
GANGREL ANTITRIBU alphabetical or set order
GARGOYLE alphabetical or set order
GIOVANNI alphabetical or set order
GURUHI alphabetical or set order
HARBINGER OF SKULLS alphabetical or set order
HECATA alphabetical or set order ***COMING SOON!
ISHTARRI alphabetical or set order
KIASYD alphabetical or set order
LASOMBRA alphabetical or set order
MALKAVIAN alphabetical or set order
MALKAVIAN ANTITRIBU alphabetical or set order
MINISTRY/FOLLOWER OF SET alphabetical or set order
NAGARAJA alphabetical or set order
NOSFERATU alphabetical or set order
NOSFERATU ANTITRIBU alphabetical or set order
OSEBO alphabetical or set order
PANDER alphabetical or set order
RAVNOS alphabetical or set order
SALUBRI alphabetical or set order
SALUBRI ANTITRIBU alphabetical or set order
SAMEDI alphabetical or set order
TOREADOR alphabetical or set order
TOREADOR ANTITRIBU alphabetical or set order
TREMERE alphabetical or set order
TREMERE ANTITRIBU alphabetical or set order
TRUE BRUJAH alphabetical or set order
TZIMISCE alphabetical or set order
VENTRUE alphabetical or set order
VENTRUE ANTITRIBU alphabetical or set order
ANARCH alphabetical or set order ***this one yields a number of false positives, mostly from crypt cards from sets with «Anarch» in the title, or cards belonging to the V5 Anarchs release
CAMARILLA alphabetical or set order
INDEPENDENT alphabetical or set order
LAIBON alphabetical or set order
SABBAT alphabetical or set order
IMBUED alphabetical or set order ***not really a sect
***Library card types:
MASTER alphabetical or set order
EVENT alphabetical or set order
CONVICTION alphabetical or set order
ACTION alphabetical or set order
POLITICAL ACTION alphabetical or set order
ALLY alphabetical or set order
EQUIPMENT alphabetical or set order
RETAINER alphabetical or set order
POWER alphabetical or set order
MODIFIER alphabetical or set order
REACTION alphabetical or set order
COMBAT alphabetical or set order